Monday, September 28, 2009

And There Were Still 55 Who Came Again

"...still scheduled to be here, at least in the beginning, at the Paris Town Office; and if it gets that there's too many people to fit in this room, it will be moved to the Paris Fire Station..." (Town Clerk, 9-24-09)

Well, yes, it was, actually. Moved to the Fire Station, that is. 55 people turned up at the Fire Station after Chairman Ivey announced, "We will be moving to the Fire Station " - in response to Selectman Herrick's "I would think you'd want to make a decision pretty soon...." in response to people stacked up in the halls of the Town Office at 7 pm.

You actually thought we'd not show, didn't you? That we'd lose interest...Guess what?

Instant New Meeting, 7:20 pm, or so.

Selectman Herrick "I have obtained these 2 items - bills from Bernstein Shur, July-August" -legal fees $3691
[editorial note: budgeted amount for legal fees 2009-2010 = $8,000; F. Everett's presentation 9-28-09, and this site.]

Two months, and 46% used up...oh...where to dig up new resources.....

Citizens? let them eat cake.
Don't you have a law to consider in this case? I know you have little regard for the law, but...
Respect - I will have respect here - Do you want to be escorted out?

What an exercise in futility - you didn't notice the large numbers attending? Why not have meetings here in the first place?
We probably will next time .....wait - can I write that down?

I understand the only reason the subdivision ordinance is not on the ballot is because the petitioned recall ordinance would have to be on the ballot, too.
Now, I never said that. Back when we wanted to put the subdivision ordinance on the ballot, you remember.....
...a ballot...All we ask is that you give the citizens a chance to speak - this is the same thing you railed against, remember?
stony-faced silence, eyes floorward...

You will speak to the Board.
Any documents I brought you information from ...
Speak to the board.
...I have from the town office, and I paid for them.
Wrong information was presented, manager misspoke
Some CD's counted as available and can't be touched; subdivision fee money is in town report.[editorial note - F. Everett, budget chairman's full report will be posted on this site]
Bonding Rating from Standard & Poor's improvement from " bbb+" score in 2005 to A+ in 2009
a credit to former mgr. Jackson's financial management and leadership. [editorial note - a full article will be posted on this site.]

Wait. Wait, selectmen make the decisions, right? Don't make it like she gets all the credit...

Of course. But it starts at the top, doesn't it?

We have 2 recall ordinances on the books.
7-13: Policy and Procedures Committee. Tabled.
7-27: citizen petition same ordinance, demanded it be on ballot. Accepted, not voted for ballot;
Policy & Procedure Committee was officially slated for the Nov. 3 ballot.
Who made that motion?
I did. Skip seconded. All five voted.
stony-faced silence...

...then, great wailing and gnashing of teeth...

I think you should do the lawful thing.
No, I think you should look at what you folks are doing. At least the ethical things you... how can you...
The law is very clear. We...
No, you look....
Mr. Ripley, let me finish... There is a procedure....

For a good 20 minutes. A gold star for perseverance, stamina, and extreme dedication in the face of serious teeth-gnashing and continuous, most-piteous wailing.

There was more, including revealing comments about decisions made that appeared to have kept the Subdivision Panel's long months of work from getting to the ballot; power plays - and playing - from the vice chairman; and several "Sit down, [citizen]" "Do you want to go home[another citizen]?" by the chair. At one time Ivey even galloped - from his chair clear to the back of the huge hall and out into the parking lot - and made the police chief come in and threaten a citizen, who, with many others, had cheered at one point, but was clearly in the sights of Mr. I all evening... actually, for many evenings....

For the most unbelievable performance that firehouse may have seen in a good while, order the DVD of this show from NPCTV, 743-7859. That cameraman is sharp; he may even have captured the police action in the back of the hall....