First, the voters in the town enact an ordinance, like any number of other Maine towns: This is the Tool.
Second, if the voters in town decide they love the job their elected officials are doing for their town, they smile and go about their business: This is the Norm.
Third, if the voters have a mass loss of confidence, over a period of time, because of the quality of the job any of their elected officials is bringing to the job on behalf of the entire town, then the citizens could consider raising a petition to un-elect, or recall one, or, if the situation is really bad, even more than one elected official: This is the Task.
Fourth, if the required number of registered voters, who have lost confidence, sign a petition calling for a recall election, the relevant elected official will be listed on a recall election ballot, and the voters then decide whether the elected official's term is ended prematurely: This is the Result.