The continuing debacle over who is in control of who on the board of directors of Norway Paris Solid Waste and which person says so, has prompted the town managers of both towns to set a meeting for the selectmen from both towns to look at the situation - which the interlocal agreement says selectmen of both towns are in charge of in the first place.
Any continuing problem on that board effects both towns; and the half million dollar budget - for that board to operate a solid waste management program that is intended to benefit both towns - is directly relevant to the concerns of the tax payers in both towns.
They are spending our money.
The handling of that budget needs to receive a complete audit; there should be no rewriting of bylaws - just because they think they can - by board members who decide to shape the rules differently than the interlocal agreement. The agreement was written by Atty. Geoff Hole, town attorney for Norway and Paris, and enacted by voters in both towns in 2009; this NPSW board has no autonomous authority granted by any higher authority.
At 6 PM Thursday, 2-4-10, the joint boards of selectmen and town managers will meet at the Norway Town Hall. Norway and Paris voters are encouraged to attend and see just what these elected officials know about all this - and what they plan to do about the whole thing.