Haven’t Paris voters done enough? Haven’t we petitioned and talked and voted, already? Can’t we take a little break now? Aren’t things all better now? Isn’t this where we’re supposed to live happily ever after?
Well…voting is no less critical now than it was on January 7, when 487 Paris voters turned out on a cold, dark Thursday night at Paris Elementary School and took a defiant stand against a poorly planned, small-group agenda. It is no less critical than the 2 recall elections in the first week of February, when, including those who voted absentee ballot, over 700 Paris voters marked their ballots each day.
Paris voters are getting Paris back on track, and we must take nothing for granted. We need to finish the job of getting responsible people elected; and then we need to be certain we understand what the issues are and demand responsible solutions.
We have a lawsuit about which most of the voters know very little, and a deadline with responsibilities; we have a solid waste program, in joint municipal management with Norway, being run by less than responsible individuals; and we have a budget that has become irresponsibly over-burdened.
The word responsible crops up everywhere.
So, No, Paris voters - we are not finished. We’ve just begun.
If you are ready to vote but cannot vote on the 9th, go to the Paris Town office and vote absentee ballot beginning Monday, Feb. 22.
If you want to learn more about who is running to fill the 2 vacancies left by the recall elections, plan to attend the candidate forum at 6 PM this Thursday, February 25 at the Paris Fire Station; find out what those running have to offer this town, so you can make an informed choice. We need to elect good leaders, people who are informed, people we judge to be responsive to the whole town, not just people who have fine words to offer.
Stay for the selectmen’s meeting if you can, at 7 PM. As noted in the previous post, a heavy agenda is planned.