In firing Town Manager Sharon Jackson without cause, selectmen triggered the "termination conditions and pay" clause in Jackson's contracts, thereby obligating the Town of Paris to pay Jackson well over $40,000.00, some out of the FY 2009 budget (ratified 6/14/2008) and some from the FY 2010 budget (ratified 6/13/2009).
To verify that selectmen acted without cause, listen to or read their statements in the media:
*YouTube video, "The firing of Paris Town Manager Sharon Jackson"
*"Lewiston Sun Journal" 6/23/09;
*"Advertiser-Democrat" 6/25/09;
*NPCTV DVD, either as broadcast, or buy/borrow a copy.
By now, the Town will have calculated the exact cost of the buyout--go to the Town Office and ask to see their calculations and Jackson's contracts.
So, where is all that money to come from?
*Selectmen are authorized to spend only the amounts voters have approved in budgets.
*In Paris' FY2009 and FY2010 budgets, there are no personnel line-items for "Contract buyout," or "Replacement cost: Town Manager."
Contact selectmen for answers. Come to the next selectmen's meeting (7/13/2009 at the Fire Station [double check location], 7:00p.m.) and, during "Citizen Comments," ask them what the true cost of their action will be, where the money is coming from, and ultimately, who gets to pay.