Wednesday, July 15, 2009

An Issue of Validity

The voting majority of Paris selectmen have a non-response to the issue of an item voted into law by the citizens of Paris in 1999. Note the following (You can check this at

Title 30-A M.R.S.A. §2525(4)(A) refers specifically to selectmen's terms of office; (1) states: Once the determination has been made, it stands until revoked at a meeting held at least 90 days before the annual meeting.

(See actual warrant item and discussion on this site for Thursday July 9.)
If our newly elected selectman voted on any item at all before July 1, the actual date his term began, not only was his vote invalid, any action taken by the board of selectmen between June 13 and June 30 also was invalid.

The issues that face this town:
*Chairman Ivey stated at the selectmen's meeting that no one had contacted the town's attorney; so how do they know what to do in the best interest of the town?

* Is Sharon Jackson fired or not? If not, will she be fired again to make the vote valid this time?

*If litigation ensues, consider severance pay at $49,586 (See financial figures and discussion on this site for July 14.), plus damages for wrongful termination.

And who gets to pay?

(Reminder: selectmen's phone numbers are: Ray Glover, (207) 743-8120; Lloyd "Skip" Herrick, (207) 743-0609; Chairman David Ivey, (207) 890-1952; Troy Ripley, (207) 890-1956 or (207) 743-6445; Glen Young, (207) 400-7454 or (207) 743-9427.)