Smaller group tonight. Nasty weather. 6 - 8 concerned citizens; five stalwart selectpersons; one town manager; one hard working town clerk; two newspaper reporters...
...and the welcome presence of NPCTV. Again, and still. For double checking facts or discussions, there is nothing like seeing and hearing things - again. In addition, for the not-faint-of-heart, any citizen at large who cannot easily get out to a meeting, but cares about how our town is being run, can see things in real time. Such citizens make phone calls, often use email, and more than one might think, have considerable networks. Good to remember...
The Sun Journal and the Advertiser Democrat will no doubt give more than adequate coverage to the actual business conducted in tonight's board meeting. TPR offers what the late radio commentator Paul Harvey used to call "the rest of the story."
As noted in the previous posting, certain timely items were not included formally in the agenda.
Items covered that weren't listed: (see previous posting)
*The ATV trail riders and land owners on specific roads. Action will most assuredly be addressed in the official minutes of the Paris selectboard. In fact, Selectperson Smart found that the minutes of selectboard meeting 9-13-10, stating Selectman Herrick's motion to address the action taken, were not quite adequate. Transcript of the 9-13-10 meeting in hand, she requested that the additional words be added.
Below are the words from the minutes of the 13th, (A) , followed by the 2 sections of the actual motion, in red. (B)
In response to a request from two landowners to reconsider a vote taken in June 2010 to approve ATV usage for Parson's Road:
(A) A motion was made by Mr. Herrick to move the meeting scheduled for December 13, 2010 to October 25, 2010.
Selectperson Smart's expanded inclusion for the minutes, to be added and approved at the next meeting:
(B)Selectman Herrick: I make a motion that we postpone this issue that we originally voted on last meeting, and move it up to a date in October to discuss further action on this issue.
After that meeting, after that stake holder meeting, after that stake holder meeting is done and over with the town manager, then we, at one of our dated meetings for the month, will discuss the outcome of the results of that meeting. But October 25th, we will revisit, and hopefully that will make the decision whether we rescind our vote in June - or what actually will fly.
*6 month evaluation of the town manager.
Chairman Glover: "We must set a time and a place for... [editor's note: "for" more discussion than the executive session on September 8th evidently allowed, plus preparation for] the evaluation of the town manager. Then we have to set a date to meet with Phil and deliver the evaluation."
It would appear that this event will actually transpire. Sooner rather than later. Somewhere in October, maybe?
*The undesignated fund balance. Yes. What about this?