Tuesday's election was only half of the process that sets out the coming year(s) for Paris. The rest of the plan is presented for discussion, and then vote of the people, at the open town meeting Saturday, 6-12-10, 10 AM at the fire station.
Money cannot be spent or decisions made unless that action is made in front of the people, and it is ultimately the voters who make the decisions. Granted, the plans are implemented through the officials elected by the people, as well as the committees and individuals appointed, even hired, by those officials.
The town meeting warrant lists 33 items, and is posted on this site. Items 1-4 were addressed in Tuesday's election. The remaining items focus on how taxpayers' dollars will be spent.
With the exception of any special town meetings called to address unforeseen expenses or events, Saturday's meeting will be the only occasion for Paris voters, as a body, to address the financial concerns leading from individual pocketbook to municipal function.
There is protocol for how the meeting is conducted; but this meeting is a guaranteed opportunity for voters to ask questions. Asking questions is the best way to learn about how this town is operating.
Interesting to consider: Who responded to the question? Did the question really get answered? Did the response raise additional questions that need to be answered?
This town belongs to all its citizens; this makes us all responsible.