In the sleepy, peaceful town of Paris, on a bright and sunny spring day, who would have a care?
Well it was indeed a fine spring day on Sunday, but there are still plenty of folks in this town who are anything but sleepy. We have learned the hard way, that, always, there need to be some who remain watchful. In fact, the more who watch, the better.
Coming up this week
Thursday 4-8-10, 7PM, the budget committee presents their work product to the public at an open hearing on the budget that will go before voters at the annual town meeting in June. (location? perhaps the town office? call to be sure.)
A response to the Jackson Rule 8O B Complaint.
In the very near future
A joint response by selectboards from Norway and Paris to the future of Norway Paris Solid Waste. A meeting has been called for, and will be scheduled shortly. The court action last Thursday was one item dealt with; but solid waste disposal is a practical matter for all people in any town, and it doesn't deserve to be a political football.
So a firm, responsible, practical solution must be put in place.
Prospective candidates
Any Paris resident wishing to apply for any of the following vacancies that will appear on the ballot in June 2010 need to return their properly signed petitions to the town office by April 26:
*A 3 year term on Paris Utility District
*A term on SAD 17 school board
*Two 3 year term positions on Paris town selectboard.
Have you taken time to call and remind anyone about your thoughts on any of the items listed above?