Special Town Meeting Thursday Jan. 7th at Paris Elementary School on High Street, at 7 PM .
There has been discussion of warrant issues on this site, "Put on your calendar for next week ." The warrant is posted here.
Article 5 is a newly proposed replacement for the recall ordinance we Paris voters enacted on Nov. 3 by a vote of 1556-537.
There will be no public hearing for questions and discussion on this newly proposed ordinance beyond a discussion on the floor of this town meeting just before the vote.
The proposed ordinance would make null and void any recall efforts to date, including the Feb. 1 and Feb.5 recall elections.
Many Paris voters have expressed concerns about the items on this warrant.
Unlike selectmen's meetings, where the meeting space can be crafted to limit the audience, a town meeting space must accommodate all registered voters who wish to attend. No registered voter can be denied the opportunity to vote.
If a space cannot safely hold all potential voters, there must be another plan ready to go so that all voters will be accommodated.
Just the same: come as early as you can, and be prepared to stay until the bitter end. Bring others. Every vote counts!