In reference to the Paris Selectmen's 12-07-09 agenda in "Citizen Alert !!!" posted just below, the following information is intended simply as educational background for the reader. There has been no indication, one way or the other, at this time, whether Town Attorney Geoff Hole will attend the Monday session.
#6. Executive Session - Pursuant to Title 1, section 405(6)(E) to discuss pending litigation"
*Title 1, M.R.S.A., § 405(6)(E) relates to "Consultations between a body or agency and its attorney…."
* The Maine Municipal Association's explanation and directive, in its Municipal Officer's Manual (p. 97) says, "If the executive session will involve a discussion of a pending or possible law suit by the board and its attorney, the motion (to go into executive session) should at least indicate the general subject matter of the case and its title…. " It continues, "The attorney must be physically present at the meeting or at least be participating through a telephone conference call. A discussion of correspondence from the attorney…would not be justification for an executive session if the attorney wasn't also present."